Monday, December 22, 2014

55 x 55 Challenge

Self December 23, 2014 starting at 0 I hereby challenge myself to lose 55 pounds by my 55th birthday. July 9, 2015.

There I did it! 55x55!

Reviving and old challenge I made 5 years ago, 50 by 50.

What I'm doing is asking for help. Asking for accountability partners. No I'll never get to my youthful looking self of 80 pounds lighter, but I can get to a healthful self of 55 pounds lighter.

I'd be lying if I said looking better and fitting into a smaller size was not an incentive. But the biggest incentive of all is being healthy. How can I be an example to my children, grandchildren, and others showing Gods Love and Holiness if I don't take care of what He, our Holy God blessed me with.  So no crazy diets, no quick fixes, just old fashioned eating healthy and hard exercising. Changing a lifestyle, praying for Gods strength, and help from accountability partners like you! 

We'll start off with this 5 year old picture compliments of my entertaining mother. If you were following my 50x50 blog back then you'll learn of the cow theme that my mom took off running with. This year at my goal date I hope to have a more flattering theme going. The next pic is me now @ 0. I'll try to keep the same type of t shirt so the progress can be easily seen. What I'm not going to do is start off with a slumping posture and sad face like most before and after pics. I'm a child of God and Happy to Be!!! Let the pounds fall off!

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